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TUMAC BSE No.22: “New light on the Arab-Turkish musical exchange in the 19th century” – Dr. Salah Eddin Maraqa
27 Kasım 2021 / 21:00 - 23:00
Türk Müziği Akademik Çevresi Bilim-Sanat Etkinlikleri, Freiburg Üniversitesi Müzikoloji Bölümü’nde araştırma görevlisi Dr. Salah Eddin Maraqa’nın “New light on the Arab-Turkish musical exchange in the 19th century” başlıklı İngilizce sunumuyla devam ediyor. 27 Kasım 2021 Cumartesi günü saat 21:00’da gerçekleşecek etkinlik, Anadolu Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuarı Türk Müziği Bölüm Başkanı Doç. Dr. Esra Berkman’ın moderatörlüğünde TUMAC Youtube kanalından canlı yayınlanacak.
TUMAC Youtube canlı yayın linki için tıklayınız.
Our knowledge of the cultural exchange in general and musical exchange in particular between Arabs and Turks and their mutual influence during the long period of Ottoman rule has grown significantly in recent years. We are today much more aware of the attestable influence of Ottoman-Turkish music theoretical literature on its Arabic counterpart. The study of practical sources reveals another interesting aspect of this mutual influence, complementing to the available biographical data of musicians and composers. However, there is a remarkable absence of case studies focusing on the dimensions of this exchange. Based on a few selected examples primarily from the 19th century, this paper will try to shed light upon the processes of appropriation/adoption of ‘foreign’ musical material and how to methodologically approach these and similar questions.
Salah Eddin Maraqa
Salah Eddin Maraqa studied 2001–2007 musicology, Arabic and Islamic studies in Münster. After gaining his master’s degree he worked as a research associate at the Department of Musical Research in Würzburg and the Department of Musicology in Münster. In 2013, Salah earned his doctoral degree with a work on the traditional art music in Syria and Egypt from 1500 until 1800. In between 2016–2019 he worked as an editor for the DFG-Project corpus musicae ottomanicae and 2020–2021 for the project corpus monodicum. Since April 2021 Salah has been working as a research associate at the Department of Musicology at the University of Freiburg. Salah’s main research focus is on the history and theory of music in the Middle East. He is currently studying the vocal repertoire in the Arab World form 1500 until 1900 focusing on the significance of song-text collections as sources for writing the history of Arabic music.
Afiş tasarımı: Orçun Güneşer
Yayın sorumlusu: Serkan Günalçin
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