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Türk Müziği Akademik Çevresi’nin (TUMAC) 2022-2023 akademik yılı Bahar Dönemi Bilim Sanat Etkinlikleri, Moskova Devlet Sanat Bilimi Enstitüsü’nde uzman araştırmacı olarak görev yapan Prof. Dr. Giultakin B. Shamilli’nin “Introduction to ‘Dastgah’ Phenomenon: Music and Language” başlıklı İngilizce sunumuyla başlıyor. 25 Mart 2023 Cumartesi günü saat 21:00’da (UTC+3) gerçekleşecek etkinlik, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Ankara Devlet Konservatuarı Müzik Bilimleri Bölümleri Müzik Teorileri Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Cenk Güray’ın moderatörlüğünde TUMAC Youtube kanalından canlı yayınlanacak.

TUMAC Youtube canlı yayın linki için tıklayınız.
This talk attempts to reveal the real historical prerequisites for the subsequent formation of the classical tradition in Iranian music during the Achaemenid and Sassanid dynasties (6th-century BCE-early 7th century CE) in terms of the linguistic environment dominated by Aramaic (Old Aramaic, Imperial Koine, Syrian/New Aramaic dialects) and at the “Royal Road Stations” where the musical heritage of foreign-born Indo-Iranian tribes was being re-melted and re-fused within the sound-space of cosmopolitan palatial vocal and instrumental music in the development of ancient civilizations.

Prof. Dr. Giultakin B. Shamilli

Leading researcher of the State Institute for Art Studies (RF Ministry of Culture). Philosophy Doctor in Musicology (PhD, Russian Gnessin Academy of Music, 1997), Doctor of Sciences (Art History, State Institute for Art Studies, 2010). Authored 14 books including commented translations of medieval treatises on music, and about 100 original articles.  Gratitude for the great contribution to the development of culture and long-term fruitful work (RF Minister of culture, 2019).

Research interest: Iranian Dastgāh &Art of Maqām, Maqām & Liturgy & History of Middle Eastern Jewish Diasporas, Manuscripts on music (Persian, Arabic, Turkish &Azeri), Music & Language &Cognition

The last publications are:

Shamilli, Giula B. (2022) The Classical Tradition of Iranian Music at the ‘Royal Road Stations’ //Bulletin of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies (UNESCO). № 34, 2022, pp. 44—50.

Shamilli G. (2020) Introduction to Studying the Jewish Musical Heritage of Persia and Caucasus. In Memory of Bruno Nettle (1930–2020) / Art Culture, 2020, No. 3. pp. 61-89. — ISSN: 2226-0072. (In Russian)

Shamilli G. (2020). Philosophy on Music. Theory and Practice the Art of Maqām. Moscow: Languages of Slavic cultures, 2020. – 552 p.: notes, ill. – ISBN 978-5-907041-30-1. (In Russian).


Afiş tasarımı: Orçun Güneşer
Yayın sorumlusu: Serkan Günalçin

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